I Heart You Read online

Page 3

  She stretched her arms above her head, her breasts riding high and drawing his gaze. Closing her eyes, she reveled in the delicious helplessness that she had craved for so long. This is what she'd thought about all those nights when she'd lain in bed touching herself, building up to a powerful climax while dreaming of a primal and erotic man moving within her and taking her to incredible heights.

  "You want this, don't you?"

  His rough whisper teased her senses, and she opened her eyes to see his fixed on her, his long artist's fingers stroking the belt he held. Unable to speak, she nodded.

  He wanted it as much as she did. She knew it from the way his hands stroked her skin as he moved her wrists to the bars that made up the headboard, and from his deep groan when he wrapped the leather belt around them. He tightened the strap, sealing her fate.

  Lucian took his time exploring her mouth before moving downward, unhooking her bra to expose her breasts. He stared at her erect nipples, his fingers toying with the stiff peaks.

  Rachel moaned and arched up to his hands, loving the bite of the leather against her flesh. He suckled her breasts, and her gasps of pleasure echoed in the room. She craved his fingers and tongue on her pussy, and she frantically rubbed her clothed sex against his leg as he leaned over her. She needed to come with an intensity that astounded her. A moan of disappointment escaped her as he realized what she was doing and removed his leg.

  She heard him chuckle against her damp skin. “Naughty girl. Just for that, I'm going to make you wait for my cock. I guess you'll just have to make do with this..."

  He kissed his way down her stomach, pausing to swirl his tongue in her navel before finally reaching her aching pussy. By the masculine sound he made, she knew he was pleased at how wet she was for him. She squirmed as Lucian kissed around her sex for several minutes, denying her the direct stimulation she needed to get off. He pulled away her thong, soaked with her juices. His voice whispered like silk, “Such a pretty pussy.” And then she didn't hear anything, catapulted by pleasure when he lashed her clit with his eager tongue.

  At that moment, Rachel almost regretted asking him to bind her wrists. She wanted to run her fingers through his hair as he feasted on her woman's flesh, to guide his mouth to all the spots that would make her scream and come against his face.

  A lone finger penetrated her, and she arched her hips to meet it. Lucian held her down with his other arm, reminding her that he was running the show. He resumed his play, tracing her lower lips with his tongue, slowly driving her insane as he deliberately avoided stroking her clit again. She moaned, her voice ragged with sensual hunger. He added a second and third finger to the mix, stretching her and making her long for the real thing. She wrapped her legs around his shoulders, silently begging him to continue.

  Lucian began to pump her with his fingers, returning his tongue to Rachel's clit and drawing imaginary circles on it. She thrashed on the bed as her climax drew near, spurred on by the incredible sense of freedom that she experienced with this man. With him, she was feminine and powerful. She was like a living flame.

  Rachel stiffened and came hard, the internal explosion taking her breath away. He stayed with her, following her body's rhythm until she fell back against the bed in exhaustion. Tears of joy blurred her vision as he removed a condom from the nightstand, and they continued to roll down her cheeks when he returned and removed the belt.

  He rubbed her wrists and leaned over her, kissing her deeply. He removed the final barriers between them, his jeans and underwear, before positioning himself over her. She heard the tearing of the condom packet, and she looked down as he rolled it onto his long, thick cock. Rachel couldn't wait to sample it, and she purred when Lucian settled between her thighs.

  Sweat dripped from Lucian's body as his eyes locked with hers. He pushed inside and filled her so beautifully that she wanted to weep again. He began to move deeper, and the flames within her leapt to life once more. She wrapped her legs around his waist and raised her hips to meet his every thrust, thrilled by the slapping sounds their joining produced.

  Before long, Rachel scaled the peak again. She moaned and tightened around his cock, making him grunt in response. His grip tightened on her hips, his mouth falling open as they continued to move together. She loved the sounds he made, the way his cock stroked her walls. She loved him, this man whom she had only known a few hours. He met her needs like none other could, and her heart was certain.

  She screamed as she came, and Lucian followed her with a shout. A moment later, he collapsed against her, shielding her from his weight as he buried his face between her neck and shoulder. His warm breath soothed her, and she wanted to stay like that all night.

  Lucian withdrew from her body and left the bed to dispose of the condom. Rachel admired his ass as he walked into the bathroom, enjoying the view. He returned after a few minutes, climbing back into bed and holding her close. He sighed against her hair.

  "From the first time I read your name in print, I had to know everything about you, the way you smile, laugh, and tease. I wanted to learn about the way you kiss, how you like to be made love to, and the look on your face as you come."

  Rachel raised her head from his chest, regarding him from beneath lowered lashes. “Were you curious about how a romance author would make love?"

  "I hadn't thought about it, actually. I didn't even know who you were until two days ago."

  For a moment, she was speechless with surprise. “Really? Huh."

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “The other day, my father showed up with a copy of your new book. He's also a photographer, by the way. He told me that he needed to go out of town for a big job this weekend and would miss out on shooting photos of the book signing, so I went in his place. I was iffy about the whole thing at first because of the event taking place in a bookstore. I shoot photos for travel magazines, you see. My publishers send me to exotic locations around the globe, so doing a job at Scribe's Pen struck me as boring in comparison. I warmed to the idea when I cracked open Love's Captive and couldn't put it down."

  Rachel found herself laughing at the idea of sexy and mysterious Lucian, a man whom her readers would consider an Alpha male, having trouble abandoning an erotic romance. Intrigued, she tilted her head to the side. “What did you think of it?"

  He kissed along the smooth column of her neck, and his cock stiffened against her.

  "I thought it was wonderful. I was sucked in by the action, there were scenes that both moved me and made me laugh ... and the sex was so hot, it was a miracle that the pages didn't burst into flames."

  Rachel pushed him to lie on his back, then slid down his body until his penis was level with her mouth. “Mmm, tell me more. What made you come up to me in the bookstore?"

  She leisurely tongued the head of his cock, and he threaded his fingers through her dark hair. His voice was throaty as he replied. “I did it because your words seduced me. They created a yearning inside me that I wasn't even aware of, a hunger that I knew wouldn't be satisfied until I made contact with you somehow. You were sitting there at the signing table, and I couldn't look away. I tried to be professional and detatched, but the glimpse I had of your sexual soul wouldn't let me rest until I had at least said hello. After that ... ohh..."

  "Yes?” Rachel giggled before taking him deep into her mouth, enjoying the taste of his skin as she heard him grunt above her. She liked the power shift. She raised off him with a wet pop to instruct, “Keep talking."

  One of Lucian's hands fell from her hair to grab the bedsheet. “I didn't just want to make love to you. I wanted to be with you. Come here..."

  She released his cock and climbed up his body, and he pulled her down for a fierce kiss. Lucian sat up and reached for another condom from the nightstand. He put it on and returned to her, running the head of his gloved cock back and forth over her pouting slit.

  "Ride me."

  She spread her legs wide for him, wanting to be filled by the man she loved. He a
ngled his dick upward and she took him inside, holding on to him as they moved. He looked up at her, and she kissed his beautiful face with all the passion she had for him.

  Lucian's breath was ragged as she rocked against him faster, his hands caressing her skin. Rachel knew that he was aware of her feelings for him, and that she wasn't going it alone. She didn't need to hear the actual words. As she looked down at him, his face told her more than he could say. He showed her with every movement of his body under hers, the way his arms brought her down to him, and his low whispers of desire in her ear. They exploded together, the intensity of the orgasm bringing them closer and causing their souls to flow into each other like joined rivers. Their being together was as natural as breathing, and Rachel never wanted it to end.

  Chapter Four

  The sound of a woman's sobs was always music to his ears, and this time was no exception. The girl's cries of pain and desperation were a potent aphrodisiac to him, and he'd struggled to last longer than a few minutes. She'd bucked hard beneath him, trying in vain to escape the ropes that bound her to the kitchen table. But the sight of her distraught face—Rachel's face—and overflowing tears were what did him in, and he came like a fire hose inside his lady of the night.

  Moments later, the man in black pulled out of her and stood before the sink to wash away their combined juices. Behind him, he heard her crying and shifting her body over the polished wood. “Shut the hell up,” he muttered.

  "Please let me go, mister. I promise I won't say anything to the police..."

  He stuffed his deflated cock back into his slacks before reaching for something on the countertop. The silence was broken by the scraping of metal on wood, and he stepped away from the sink to return to the table where she lay.

  "Oh, come on now. You say you won't, but I know better. I'd love to just drop you off somewhere so we can both move on with our lives, but there's a small problem. You know what I look like, and I'll bet you took a good look at my license plate just in case."

  The man leaned forward, his eyes filled with malicious glee. “Am I right, bitch?"

  By the way her eyes widened, he could tell that she had indeed checked out his plate. He knew what must be done. He'd planned his seduction for too long to have anyone derail him now, especially some cheap hooker. She was a loose end that needed to be disposed of, as simple as that.

  Her breathing quickened at his dark expression. “Oh God, help me! Save me."

  He smirked, his hand tightening on the long chef's knife that he held behind his back. “God's not here,” he growled before plunging the blade into the prostitute's chest.

  * * * *

  February 10

  Early morning sunlight filtered through the curtains beside the bed, and Rachel smiled at the warmth of it on her skin. In Lucian's arms she had found a peace that she hadn't realized she missed, and it was wonderful. Her eyes still closed, she reached out for him and encountered cold sheets. Now wide awake, she sat up and looked around the empty room.


  The apartment was quiet, and her heart sank as doubts began to creep in. What if she'd made a mistake? Could she have misread him, ignored some sign that he wasn't as into her as she previously thought? Was last night just “the usual” for him?

  Rachel shivered and clutched the sheet to her naked breasts. If this is just a one night stand, maybe he left to avoid an awkward morning after. Maybe I should just get out of here and...

  Her train of thought was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and closing. She heard footsteps on the hard wood floor, along with what sounded like paper rustling. A moment later, Lucian entered the bedroom with a boyish grin. He carried a tray loaded with fresh brewed coffee, blueberry muffins, and fruit. Rachel's confusion must have shown on her face, because his smile quickly dissolved. With a sigh, he set down the tray beside her on the bed, his expression serious.

  "Okay, now I know I was gone too long. What is it?"

  She couldn't help but laugh at the concern in his tone. It wasn't directed at him, but at herself. His serving breakfast for her was such a sweet gesture, an image completely at odds with the picture she'd painted in her mind just a few minutes before when she woke up and found him gone. She chastised herself. Get a grip on yourself, girl. Lucian's different from the other fly-by-night losers you've mixed with in the past. He's special.

  Lucian's brow furrowed and Rachel forced herself to calm down. “I'm sorry, I wasn't laughing at you. I just didn't know what to think when I woke up alone. I'm not used to..."

  He filled in the blank. “Going home with someone you've just met?"

  Rachel nodded, and he raised a hand to caress her face. She exhaled at his gentle touch, closing her eyes as his words washed over her. “I know you're not, and with the current craziness going on, I can't blame you for questioning what happened between us last night. God only knows what you thought while I was out, but that's not the case with me."

  Moving his hand from her face, he took hers and brought it to the center of his chest. Beneath the layers of his t-shirt and warm skin, the rhythm of his heart called out to her. She raised her eyes back to his face and gasped at the emotions betrayed by his silver eyes.

  He continued, his voice thicker and deeper than before. “What happened last night was a new experience for me, too. You're not alone in this. What we had wasn't just another night, but something much deeper. I saw it in your eyes when we made love, and right now there's this need inside me to let you know that I..."

  Swallowing hard, he trailed off and reached into his back jeans pocket. He pulled out a small black velvet pouch with a drawstring cord, and Rachel's mouth fell open when he removed a beautiful gold heart locket with a diamond in the center. He unfastened the clasp and held the necklace before her, and she knew that all she had to do was lean forward and they would take their relationship in the same direction.

  She moved closer to him, her eyes misting over with joy when he placed the locket around her neck. She welcomed the weight of the heavy gold on her chest, and her own heart swelled when he whispered to her in his midnight voice. “I heart you, Rachel."

  Tears welled at the unique endearment, and Rachel let them fall as she opened her arms for him. Lucian captured her mouth in a fierce kiss, and she moaned from the intensity. He pulled at the sheet that covered her nudity, his strong hands making short work of it and exposing her body to his ardent gaze. “I want you so much..."

  Rachel grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and yanked it out of his waistband and he helped her take it off. Passion overwhelmed her as she ran her hands along his exposed skin, and she was in awe of the magnificent man that sat before her. She needed him inside her soon, wanted it more than anything in that moment.

  Leaning back against the pillows, she beckoned him to her. “Breakfast can wait."

  A wicked smile crossed his face as he moved the tray off the bed and unbuttoned his pants. He slid his jeans and underwear down his muscled legs and walked to her naked, his erect cock pointing towards his navel. “I'd rather feast on you."

  He joined her in bed, and she automatically opened her legs for him. She'd been ready for what seemed like ages, and her pussy was soaked as she guided him into her warmth. They released a mutual groan at the contact, and Lucian drove himself deeper. Thrashing beneath him, Rachel dug her nails into his firm ass as he moved, losing herself to him and finding more than she could have ever imagined.

  * * * *

  The abandoned house was almost ready for his love's arrival. The ultimate in seclusion, it stood miles away from anywhere. It was the perfect place to entertain guests. At the thought, the man pressed the blade harder against the grindstone with a harsh laugh.

  After last night's fun with the whore, he'd dumped her body in a well known part of town. The area had been deserted in the early hours of the morning, but he knew that the place was very popular with families and tourists. Someone would find the hooker, and the knowledge thrilled him.
  He removed the knife from the sharpening wheel, testing the razor-sharp edge on his own flesh. He grunted in pain and delight, unable to distinguish between the two. Blood trickled down his powerful thigh as he broke the skin, careful not to nick an artery. He couldn't make a mistake like that, not when Rachel was almost close enough for him to touch, to taste ... to kill. Breathing hard, he closed a bloody hand around his stiff cock.

  It's only a matter of time. I'm coming for you, baby.

  * * * *

  February 12

  "All that in just one night? Love?"

  Naomi, who was Rachel's agent and friend, looked at her with wide eyes. She smiled at the other woman's reaction to the story of her wonderful weekend with Lucian. They were sitting in Naomi's office on Monday morning, discussing a possible sequel to Love's Captive but she just had to share her news with someone.

  Rachel toyed with the gold heart around her neck, savoring the details of their repeated lovemaking and the resulting closeness they shared. Several times they'd lain together in the afterglow, talking and laughing. She returned to the present, smiling as she addressed her friend. “It sounds wild, I know, but it really is possible."

  Naomi shook her head in wonder, her blonde curls swaying. “Wow, hon. He sounds incredible. Congratulations. So, what happens now?"

  "Now we're doing the normal dating thing. Getting to know each other, going out to places, spending time at each other's apartments, that kind of stuff. I'm going to meet him at the Science Museum as soon as we're done."

  At Naomi's surprised look, Rachel laughed. “What can I say? We're both nerds."

  * * * *